journal page
I am happily and bravely preparing for my art showing on February 12th.
Thank you, thank you and a million times thank you for commenting on your favorites.
Even though it was varied choices, it truly helped bulk up my confidence considering the fact that
they all had some draw to someone. Had only a certain 5 got all the votes, I would have gotten
very cold feet about adding the others for viewing. I keep telling myself that they
are what they are right now, they are good enough right now and that
I would never trade all the things I have learned about the marketing
aspect. I have invested about $700.00- that doesn't count my time.
I will either lose some money but gain valuable lessons or I will double/triple my monetary
investment. I have put it all out there for you to see because it is my hope that
you won't let your vulnerabilities keep you from
showing your own art. If I can do it, anyone can because I knew nothing
about the process. I'm JUST DOING IT. Yes, I am scared half to death.
But even Georgia O'Keeffe said: "I've been absolutely terrified
every moment of my life... and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing
I wanted to do."
It has been a win/win - anyway you look at it.
If you would like to receive an art postcard for my showing (I know you can't
be there except in spirit)
please email me your mailing address at
Someone asked, "Where do you go from here"?
Well, the above veiled face shows that I'm not through with faces. I want to make them
visually and texturally more interesting. The journal page above represents a copy of the painted piece I did
in the traveling/colloborative journal that is now on its way to
Buffy. I can't wait for her talented hands to get a hold of it. (Those of you who have signed up- you'll be hearing from me soon but there is not a big hurry). It will flow.. on its own course.
I also am working on my writing and am taking an on-line course with
Stephanie Lee. I have also downloaded books on my Kindle she has recommended regarding writing and art on her side-bar and am working through those.
I am working on organizing my home, my thoughts, my priorities.
I am working on my photography.
I am staying inspired and motivated by YOUR beautiful post of art and writing and photography- by our very connection.
I am RELENTLESS this year. I am going with the flow or swimming against the tide. I'm moving on.
Where are you going?
so far I seem to be floating..not going anywhere..but it is always inspiring to see others getting "on with it". Congrats on the show. I hope it is very successful
That is fabulous! Sending good vibes for a successful show!
I like the face.
So appreciate all that you've shared of your journey, both in the making and in the marketing. You've inspired and encouraged and pointed the way. Wouldn't I love to be at that showing!
There's the art and the business of art and both are on my radar :-)
I have been so encouraged every time I have visited you and your generosity is unbelievable.....you strive to be real and authentic and that is a gift in itself.....I will definitely be checking in to see what you are up to......
Have a great show. Very inspiring.
I wish you all the best with your show, how exciting!! People are going to LOVE your work!
By you sharing all your hard work and your ups and downs I feel like I'm on the same journey with you. I hope you do well at your show!I can't wait to hear about it. I'm looking forward to doing the book. I love your face.I can't wait to see it in person.
You'll be surprised how well your art is received--best of luck to you!!
firstly, apologies i have been vacant, absent, gone, but my computer and blog and all went away and little old me who knows next-to-nothing was left to fix it....may i also say that your top painting is my fave, lol...not much help i know for picking others but will come back and read what i have missed...tho it won't matter i will tell you which i like most tho i like them all :) love this post, btw. off to doc :P xo
This is AWESOME,
dear sweet
Just awesome.
Thanks for sharing
this post absolutely
brimming with LIFE!
Beautiful and gritty.
I have been away and I have missed reading your post..I am so excited for your show..You are going to do marvelous my friend...Life is such a journey..is it not? I wish I could travel to see your success.
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